Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Who among us hasn't had the dreaded alarm no-show?  Yep.  We had big plans to get out on Black Friday and pick up a few things we needed for the house.  The hubby and I lay down last night at midnight, and he set his watch for a very Black Friday respectable ...0330.  Then we awoke to the lights shining in our window at 7.  Epic Fail.

Not ones to let adversity (or over sleeping) get us down...we packed up the Mustang and headed to Tempe Market Place.  I was expecting a mad house - especially since we were getting there 5 hours after the shopping started.  There weren't many people there at all.  He left his gift certificate at home, so we ran back to get it, and I decided to stay home.  Aspergers means that I don't do so well with crowds.  He was able to get what he wanted with a minimum of fuss - although he said it had started to get crowded at 10 or so when he left. 

I didn't get anything...being laid off means that I don't know when I'll have money again, and I don't want to spend it on things that aren't absolutely know:

Living lean, doesn't mean living lonely.  One of our friends came over to get help on her motorcycle and I made brunch.  Turkey and Broccoli Quiche.  Look for more recipes from me that include the star of our Thanksgiving dinner...we have two gallon sized zip bags worth of left overs.  mmm mmm

I have hopes to hear from Foothills Academy since they want their new teacher to start Monday, but I am a little frustrated by the job search.  Ok. I am a lot frustrated by the job search.  It seems like everyone has an ad out looking for help, but I haven't even gotten a call back from the retail stores I applied with (and it has officially started the busy shopping season).  It's all I can do not to take it out on my hapless spouse.  We moved here so he could go to school, and I left a tenured position to do it.  Since I had no intention of killing a student, I basically left a guaranteed job for one that ended after six months and left me with no income and a crap ton of bills. 

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