The husband and I ventured out of our comfort zone to see a movie yesterday. No, watching movies isn't out of our comfort zone; we do that all the time. However, we almost always go to Tempe Market Place because it is very close to the house and closer still to Barnes and Nobles (BN is the shit!). We ventured to the "other" theater in Tempe because we wanted to watch different movies and it had Promethus (for him) and Magic Mike (for me) both showing at 4:15.
I thought that the theater was great. We did forget our loyalty cups, but my forgetfulness can't really be blamed on the venue.
After the movie...I wanted to like Magic Mike more than I did...we decided to walk around the mall because it's air conditioned. This is our first summer in Pheonix, and we have been making a game out of finding things to do in the AC. The mall was a little scary. I've worked the past 8 years with gang afiliated youth, and I lost count of the people I saw walking around with various gang paraphenial and markers on. I don't think I have ever been to a mall before that had armed security...and this counts the one in Fayettevill, NC where someone gets shot there what seems to be every weekend.
All in all, I think I will save the trip to AZ Mills for when there is something that has to be seen in IMAX or when I'm feeling lucky.